One-Stop Handyman Services Mobile Application

Help App

Help mobile app for daily tasks

Project goal

Develop "Help," a comprehensive mobile app that connects users with a wide range of handyman services, including plumbing, cleaning, yard work, and more. The app facilitates easy job applications for potential workers and incorporates Stripe for secure payments and payouts. This project aimed to provide a seamless platform for both service seekers and providers.

Services we provided

Mobile App
Stripe Integration
React Native

Motivation for the project

The initiative for "Help" was to create a versatile and user-friendly mobile application that simplifies the process of finding and hiring local handymen for various services. Additionally, the app offers a streamlined pathway for individuals to apply as service providers, fostering a dynamic and flexible job market.


Conducting initial research and creating a user-centric design that caters to both service seekers and providers.

Developing the app with React Native and integrating multiple authentication providers and Firebase.

Completing thorough QA, setting up app store accounts, and ensuring a successful launch on both app stores.

Providing ongoing maintenance, updates, and adding new features to enhance the app's functionality and user experience.


Conducting initial research and creating a user-centric design that caters to both service seekers and providers.

Early April 2023

Research and Design

  • Market analysis
  • UI design
  • Functionality planning

Developing the app with React Native and integrating multiple authentication providers and Firebase.

May - August 2023

Development Phase

  • Build with React Native
  • Integrate Firebase and Stripe
  • Ensure robust authentication

Completing thorough QA, setting up app store accounts, and ensuring a successful launch on both app stores.

End of August 2023


  • Extensive tests
  • Feedback integration
  • Fix technical problems
September 2023


  • Create App Store and Google Play accounts
  • App publication

Providing ongoing maintenance, updates, and adding new features to enhance the app's functionality and user experience.

September 2023 onwards

Maintenance and Updates

  • Regular feature updates
  • Performance optimization
  • Feedback implementation


Help mobile app desktop website interface Help mobile app About companyHelp mobile app desktop website interfaces Help mobile app mobile interfaces
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Review from the client

The 'Help' app projects ease of use, secure payment system, and reliable performance are exactly what we needed.

Help team

29 September 2023


The "Help" project involves a mobile app built with React Native and Expo, featuring a robust admin panel and promotional website created with Next.js. This comprehensive platform streamlines the process of finding and offering handyman services, equipped with secure Stripe payment solutions and multiple authentication providers. Continuously improved and maintained, "Help" stands as a benchmark in service-oriented mobile applications.

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